Why Meditate?

Why Meditate?

Think of it like this: One of the most important reasons you can even function today is the fact that you got a good sleep last night. When you’re asleep, your mind detaches. Your thoughts are liberated; bearing no burden of emotion, feelings, guilt, jealousy or anger. Your mind–deeply asleep–relaxes so much you don’t even hold on to your own identity. You aren’t aware of being male, female, young, old, healthy, rich, poor, in debt or happy. Nothing matters. Deep sleep is a state of complete nothingness. And without this regular rest, your entire life would be jeopardized. You would not be able to make smart decisions or performance at your best. Rest is the basis of all the activity. A restfulness night’s sleep leads to mental daytime acuity and it’s all  the result of this state of nothingness.

The difference between deep sleep and meditation is that in deep sleep we achieve this state of nothingness unconsciously. Meditation lets you arrive at—and—embrace that same dimension consciously.

You know how energized, refreshed and ready to take on the world you feel after a good night’s sleep, right? Imagine living all day, every day in that glorious state of mind. Imagine the light and cheer it would add to your life.

Because that’s what meditation can do.

To Get started with Yoga & Meditation Today!

Please avoid heavy meals before attending these sessions and for the best results have minimum 3-4 hours gap between your last meal and start of the session.